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Cube Zombie War [Mod Money]

Cube Zombie War [Mod Money] - Cubic 3D survival shooterCube Zombie War - a third person zombie shooter with cubic graphics.Can you survive in post-apocalypse conditions and wBlack Jack 21ait for reinforcements, being surrounded by thousands of zombies? Choose your destiny, for whom you will play, reload your weapon and shoot, shoot without ceasing! A brave firefighter and a flamethrower, a brave military and sniper rifle, a prisoner escaped and an assault rifle, a valiant policeman and a service pistol - the game has plenty of options, it all depends on you. The mechanics of the game one to one reminds the good old Age of Zombies - use two joysticks to move and shoot.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 48.36 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newДобавлено новое оружие, умение, новая карта, статистика, теневой выборИсправлена ошибкаUpdate history-----