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CyberSphere: Sci-fi Shooter [unlocked]

CyberSphere: Sci-fi Shooter [unlocked] - 3D dual stick shooter with a view from aboveCyberSphere is a dual stick shooter with a 3D design.To survive on this planet, we need to have time to transfer all the information back to earth, but the problem is that we were found. Evil alien cyborgs will try with all their might to destroy your ship, which is already not very strong in the early stages of the game. Use your ingenuity and simple controls to dodge enemy shells and destroy them all over the map. Over time, you will unlock many new types of weapons (in addition to the standard machine gun), including a shotgun, a rocket launcher, and a laser. The controls take a lot ofRocketLeague getting used to - most have already played similar games like Gun Bros or Infeo.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 56.94 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newИсправлены ошибки.Update history-----