Make your life easier, safer and calmer, connect your devices, control your home and save energy, from anywhere in the world.
Through our mobile application, you can easily control the devices connected to the smart sensor from your Smartphone. Connect, Control and Save! Connect the device to your phone - Control the devices in your home - Save energy and save on expenses. You canJungleeRummy easily customize teams to work in different ways. Live calm! add sensors or Icon devices, to create a smart home that automatically reacts to your needs. Turn almost any appliance into a smart appliance, if no one is home, you can turn off your home appliances and other appliances from your mobile phone. By adding a camera you can monitor your home or business from your Smartphone and enjoy going out without worries. The ICON App encourages responsible activity with the environment by providing solutions to control the energy of your home or business, allowing you to save electricity! Live in peace with the ICON App